How much protein is in an egg?

Eggs are known to an excellent source of protein. They also contain different kinds of nutrients. These are the main reason eggs are commonly consumed across the globe. Protein is an essential nutrient for our wellbeing. It is used in the development of healthy and new bones. Protein is also used in muscle gain and to repair worn-out muscles.  Additionally, protein supports the overall wellness of a person. People are constantly inquiring about the protein content in eggs. So, how much protein is found in eggs?

Protein levels in eggs

People consume eggs because they contain high amounts of protein. Studies reveal that an egg contains between 6 to 7 grams of protein. The amount of protein depends on the size of an egg. As we all know, eggs vary in size. Some eggs are big, whereas others are small. Below are rough estimates on the amounts of protein in eggs:

  • Jumbo egg contains 8.2 protein grams
  • The extra-large egg has 7.3 protein grams
  • A large egg contains 6.5 protein grams
  • A medium-sized egg has 5.7 protein grams
  • Small egg contains 4.9 protein grams

Scientific studies reveal that men require high amounts of protein when compared to women.  Women require roughly 46 grams of protein per day, whereas men should eat at least 55 protein grams each day.

Protein amounts in both the yolk and white part of the egg

An egg mostly comprises the yolk and the white part. Each part has a different protein composition. So, what is the protein composition of each part of the egg? A lot of people have a perception that high amounts of protein are only found in egg white. Well; is this true? The yolk contains different nutrients when compared to the white part of the egg. Evidential studies reveal the yolk contains almost half the protein content. The protein content varies depending on the size of the egg.

Example the yolk contains three grams of protein in large eggs. This percentage varies depending on the size of the egg. Therefore, develop a habit of eating complete egg instead of just the white part of the egg. This helps you maximize protein intake when you eat protein. The white part of the egg contains slightly high amounts of protein when compared to the egg yolk. This remains constant despite the size of the egg.

Do preparation methods reduce the levels of protein in eggs?

This is one of the commonly asked questions on the internet. As we all know, there are different ways of preparing eggs. Some cooking methods require high amounts of heat than others. The protein found in eggs contains all the nine amino acids. These amino acids are valine, lysine, histidine, tryptophan, methionine, isoleucine, threonine, phenylalanine and leucine. All nine amino acids are available in the right amounts. Sadly, you risk losing some protein; depending on the selected cooking method. This is the reason some people eat raw eggs to maximize protein content.

Comparison studies were carried out for protein absorption rate for cooked eggs and raw eggs. It is revealed that only 50% of the protein inside the raw eggs is absorbed, where other 90% of proteins are cooked eggs are absorbed. This percentage changes depending on the size of the egg. In addition to these, eating raw eggs can result in different kinds of bacterial infections. This is the reason nutritionists discourage you from eating raw eggs.

Further studies revealed that protein in cooked eggs is easily digestible and accessible when compared to that in raw eggs. Therefore, consume cooked eggs for ultimate benefits. Eggs can either be boiled or fried. You simply require water and a reasonable amount of heat to boil your eggs. Cooking oil and a pan is required for frying eggs.

The health benefits of eggs

Eggs are one of the healthiest meals on earth. They contain different nutrients that benefit the body in different ways. Protein, saturated fat, Vitamin B5, Vitamin E, Selenium, folate, manganese, zinc, potassium, iron and calcium. Eggs also contain low amounts of calories. Therefore, people who want to check their weight can comfortably eat eggs. It is linked to weight gain despite having some amounts of fat. People who want to check their weight are encouraged to eat boiled eggs.

Calcium helps in the growth and development of strong bones. The body muscles and the heart need calcium for proper function. Potassium reduces risks of high blood pressure, anxiety and improves the metabolism of a person. Iron plays a crucial role in the improvement of the immune system.

Choline is one of the compounds found in eggs. It benefits the body in different ways. People who take low amounts of choline are more likely to suffer from heart and brain complications. Expectant women can develop neural tube defects if they consume low amounts of choline. People struggling with weight loss are on a strict diet. Scientific studies reveal that eggs can help you lose unwanted weight in the body. It also aids in weight maintenance. So, how do eggs promote weight maintenance and weight loss?

Eggs promote fullness. This results in a person eating low amounts of food per sitting. Consequently, the amount of calories consumed per day significantly reduces. People gain weight because of intake of high calories when compared to the calories the body burns. Eggs are most recommended for breakfast so that you are full most of the day.

Bottom Line

Eggs are a good source of protein. Protein is present in both the yolk and the white part of the egg. However, the yolk contains low amounts of protein when compared to that of the white part of the egg. Eggs are also pocket-friendly and easily available. The preparation method is also simple and straightforward. The size of an egg determines its protein content. Protein content increases as the size of an egg increases. You should also go for cooked eggs rather than raw eggs.


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