Is coconut oil actually good for your skin?

Coconut oil has for a long time been linked to plenty of health properties. These benefits range from helping patients with Alzheimer, to significantly reducing the bad cholesterol in the blood, among others. Recently, researchers found out that coconut oil is capable of improving the overall health of the skin. Coconut oil falls under saturated oil. This oil is extracted from dry coconut kernels or raw coconuts. Coconut oil is solid at room temperature. However, it can melt of soften under heat. This saturated fat is commonly used in cooking. It can also be applied on hair and the skin.

A large fraction of the coconut oil composition entails the fatty acids. These fatty acids are stearic acid, lauric acid, linoleic acid, oleic acid, capric acid, palmitic acid, caprylic acid and myristic acid. Lauric acid is the dominant fatty acid in coconut oil.

Coconut oil eliminates different harmful microorganisms

The fatty acids chain in this oil contains some antimicrobial properties. This makes coconut oil efficient in eliminating different harmful microorganisms. As a result, coconut oil can help us maintain healthy skin. This reduces possibility of some skin infections such as folliculitis, cellulitis and acne. Coconut oil kills fungi and bacteria linked to serious skin conditions. Lauric acid also helps eliminate the harmful microorganisms. It is actually the most active property when it comes to fighting harmful properties. Capric acid is another property found in coconut oil that is effective inhibiting the growth of harmful microorganisms.

It can significantly reduce inflammation

Chronic inflammation is linked to serious skin disorders such as eczema, contact dermatitis and psoriasis. Well, coconut oil was proven to contain some anti- inflammatory properties. Coconut is also capable of relieving pain. This has been practically proven. This saturated oil also has antioxidants. These antioxidants are responsible for stabilizing free radicals that trigger inflammation. The antioxidants make the reactive free radicals dormant. Don’t expect instant results when you apply coconut oil on the skin. It all happens gradually.

It helps treat acne

A lot of people have the perception that coconut oil actually clogs skin pores. Well; this is quite the contrary. Coconut oil can be used in treating acne. Acne is linked to inflammation. This saturated oil is effective when it comes to reducing inflammation. The fatty acids found in coconut oil also have antibacterial properties. The antibacterial properties can efficiently help treat acne. Lauric acid, one of the fatty acids found in coconut oil are known to eliminate bacteria that trigger acne. This fatty acid also makes the surrounding unfavorable for the bacteria causing acne. Capric acid in another compound in this saturated oil that can efficiently help tackle acne. It contains both antibacterial an anti-inflammatory properties.

Coconut oil moisturized dry skin

Part of taking care of the skin is by keeping it hydrated throughout the day. Coconut oil is known making the skin hydrated for a long time. It can also treat dry skin. Anyone who applies coconut oil on dry skin will notice improvement as time progresses. This saturated oil is also capable of treating eczema, characterized by itchy and scaly rashes. Hydrated skin helps in numerous ways. First, it ensures bacteria don’t enter the skin. Hydrated skin also heals scars faster when compared to dry skin. Above all; it brings out a glamorous look on your skin.

It speeds up healing of wounds

Wounds can damage the general outlook of your skin. Therefore, consider applying coconut oil in the wounded region. Coconut oil is capable of speeding up the healing process. It performs its function by speeding up the collagen and antioxidant levels. Coconut oil also has antimicrobial properties. The antimicrobial properties ensure the wound doesn’t get infected.

People who shouldn’t apply coconut oil on their skin

Despite the numerous benefits of coconut oil for the skin, some people are advised against using coconut oil. First, people with oily skin shouldn’t use coconut oil because it can trigger blackheads and block pores. People with sensitive skin should also avoid using coconut oil. It can bring irritation and discomfort. A lot of people don’t have any problem cooking using this saturated oil.

The best type of coconut oil

There are two ways coconut oil can be produced. It can be either through wet or dry processing. Dry processing entails drying the nut meal. Afterwards, you should squeeze the oil. You have an option of bleaching and deodorizing the oil extract. Afterwards, you will have refined oil as the final product.

The wet processing method entails extracting oil from raw coconut. Virgin oil is extracted during the wet process. Virgin coconut oil is recommended for skin care, whereas refined coconut oil suits cooking. The skin care coconut oil has more antioxidants that help protect the skin in numerous ways.

Bottom line

Coconut oil has different kinds of properties. This is the reason long terms usage of coconut oil can improve the wellness and the overall look of the skin. Therefore, consider refined coconut oil today for different kinds of benefits.


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